How to Prepare for Baby’s First Outing
There’s nothing more exciting than bringing your new baby on his or her first outing. While you’re highly anticipating the thought, you may also feel overwhelmed. Between packing bottles or your breast pump, diapers, wipes, an extra pair of clothes (among getting other things ready) there’s just so much stuff to remember. Let us help break it down for you and make it easier to prepare for your baby’s first outing.
1. Take it Slow
We get it, you want to show off your little pride and joy - why wouldn’t you? But you should take it slow. A quick walk around the block may be just enough for now or even a quick errand. During the newborn stage, you should choose a place that’s not too crowded. Your baby doesn’t have the best immune system while it is a newborn, so you’re going to want to avoid places with too many people. It’s not just the germs, though - your baby can get easily stimulated with different surroundings. If you’re questioning any outing, you should consult your pediatrician first.
2. Get Strategic With Your Outings
As your baby grows older and starts to form a schedule, you will benefit from timing your outings. For now, while he or she is a newborn you can still benefit from a few tips:
- Go early in the morning or in late afternoon to avoid large crowds and heavy traffic.
- Wait until baby is fed to leave your house
- Know exactly what you need to get so you can make it a fast trip
- Babywear so you can shop around if you need to (hint: go to the mall during the weekday, so it’s less busy.)
3. Smart and Thorough Packing
While you don’t want to overpack, it’s important to pack the essentials. Think about how long you will be gone. Let’s say you are only leaving the house for a couple of hours - be sure to pack the following:
- At least 4-5 diapers
- Full pack of wipes (because you never know)
- Two pairs of clothes (better to have extra)
- Changing pad
- Burp cloth and/or bib
- Pacifier if needed
- Car seat cover, depending on the weather
- Car seat handle cushion (Let’s be honest - It gets hard carrying around an infant car seat)
- A nursing cover if you want some privacy during breastfeeding
4. “Please Don’t Touch My Baby”
You know -- those people who come right up to your baby, pinch their cheeks or try to kiss or cuddle them! Or the smokers who are coughing all over the place. These are the people who you likely want to avoid at all costs. Thankfully, we have some tips and tricks to keep those people at bay.
- Use your diaper bag as a barrier between you and others - the bulkier the bag, the better. That way they can’t get close.
- Don’t leave home without a privacy cover for the top of your baby’s stroller. It’s breathable so there will be plenty of air circulation. This will keep those admirers out of close contact with your baby.
- Don’t be afraid to speak up and say not to touch your baby. There’s always a kind way to say it.
- Try to choose baby-friendly activities so the majority of people will be other moms. Usually, other moms will be with their own babies so you won’t have to worry as much.
First Outing Ideas
As you’re anticipating the first outing, you may not be sure where to go. You know you want to get out of the house, but where would be easiest?
Walk around your neighborhood - you can always start off slow by going for a mini walk around your neighborhood. Think of the sun, though, and when it’s the hottest so you can avoid that time. Try to go early in the morning or late in the evening.
Grab a bite to eat - Your newborn may even sleep through this outing, so why not get out for some lunch? Choose a place that’s not too crowded. Weekdays may be ideal.
Grandma’s house- Take a quick stop over to grandma’s! Not only will she be able to bond, but she will most likely want to hold her grandbaby and you get a quick break - win, win!
Caffeinate at the coffee shop - Let’s be honest - you will need caffeine. You’re likely sleep deprived and you deserve a cup of coffee more than anyone.
Where will you take your baby on your first outing, mama? Drop your answers below in the comments. We want to know!